One Unified Voice

The SJMS & CMA represent the voices of
more than 43,000 physicians state-wide

As a member of SJMS and CMA, you receive many benefits, including discounts, special resources, action alerts and workshops. Even more importantly, you are part of a large and diverse group that has a powerful legislative impact on the future of medicine and your ability to treat your patients as you see fit. When you join, you gain both political and fiscal results that will have a positive impact on your practice.


Member Benefits


Through the larger network of the California Medical Association (CMA), the SJMS represents the interests of organized medicine to policymakers in San Joaquin County and the state legislature. 


The SJMS encourages the professional growth of our members by offering opportunities to serve on the Board of Directors, committees, SJMS’s delegation to the CMA House of Delegates, and other leadership positions.


Make connections with local peers at SJMS hosted educational and social events throughout the year. Attend in-person seminars, or view on-demand webinars for CME credit.


The Office Manager’s Forum empowers physicians and their medical staff via expert-lead educational sessions covering a broad array of topics related to the field of medical staff services, office management, billing and coding, human resources, accounting and back office support.


Stay informed with a subscription to SJMS’s quarterly magazine, San Joaquin Physician


Members get complimentary access to a photo directory of the entire SJMS membership.